
Assembly Bill 841, known as the Healthy Schools for a Healthy Recovery Bill, will make schools safer in the time of COVID-19, save schools money, put people to work today and generate cleaner air for communities — all at no cost to taxpayers.

Overall program goal is to have school districts invest into solutions that provide increased indoor air quality. Districts can address Millions of dollars in old, inefficient, and failing HVAC / mechanical infrastructure AT NO COST.

How Much?

AB 841 directs upwards of $600M in energy efficiency funding to test, adjust and repair heating, air conditioning, and ventilation (HVAC) systems in public schools over the next three years

Who is Eligible?

Transportation electrification vehicle charging applications:

  • Requires the CPUC to approve specified transportation electrification vehicle charging applications by electric investor-owned utilities (IOUs), and make changes to allow electric IOUs to more easily recover costs from electric ratepayers for the deployment of transportation electrification vehicle charging infrastructure. Requires specified training certification for any state funded or authorized funding for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure.


  • Establishes new programs at the California Energy Commission (CEC) to fund appliance, plumbing and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) upgrades to local education agencies (LEAs) using ratepayer-funded energy efficiency incentives.


What this means for you is that right now is an excellent time to consider making facility upgrades, repairs and improvements. AB-841 is a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE application process. 

Virus Fan can help you take advantage of this opportunity by installing a new Air Guardian system. Whether the law’s end date will be extended is unknown, so to ensure your new system qualifies, the best time to act is now.

Please contact Virus Fan for more information.